Category: Mens

Men's Journal Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. The products...

Post-nut clarity is a term that's percolated into mainstream culture—with lengthy discussions on Reddit, podcasts, and even song lyrics (from Drake to Alemeda). Ironically, there's not a ton of...

Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. The products featured here...

The beauty of sexual pleasure is how customizable it is—how many different sex positions and accessories exist to increase pleasure for every preference. Anal beads are one of the...

The best adjustable dumbbells are a home gym essential—they’re cost-effective, take up very little floor space, and can be used for any strength training or HIIT workout. For home workouts,...

Men’s Journal aims to feature only the best products and services. If you buy something via one of our links, we may earn a commission. REI has been host to...

Whether squatting or lunging, athletes are told ad nauseam never to let their knees go over toes under the assumption it added undue pressure to the joints. But as...

Exercise bikes are enjoying a resurgence thanks to a recent explosion in available technology. Unlike their 1990s ancestors, most of today’s stationary indoor exercise bikes immerse you in classes,...